Data Storytelling: Interactive Visualizations on Electric Vehicles and NYT Bestsellers


I’m excited to share my two favorite data storytelling projects. These visualizations delve into distinct domains—electric vehicles and NYT picture book bestsellers—showcasing the power of data visualization in communicating insights and trends. Through interactive dashboards and engaging visuals, I aim to provide valuable information to decision-makers and enthusiasts in each respective field.

In the video below, I demonstrate “The Best Electric Vehicles on the Market,” an interactive dashboard designed in collaboration with the Austin Area Electric Vehicle Association (AustinEV). This visualization caters to individuals considering buying an electric vehicle in Texas, presenting key metrics such as MPGe, range, acceleration, top speed, and price. By exploring the various charts, graphs, and the detailed map of EV charging stations, users can make informed decisions while promoting sustainable transportation. Explore this visualization on Tableau Public.

This second video showcases a visualization project analyzing the composition of the NYT picture books bestseller lists from 2018 to 2022. By examining trends in authors, titles, and publishers, this story aims to uncover the power players in the field. Through a series of consistent bar charts and a pie chart comparing authors on the list who act as their own illustrators and authors who hire illustrators, I provide insights valuable to book publishers and others interested in book trends. The visual representation at the beginning of the presentation uses repeating book icons to depict the number of unique authors, titles, and publishers. Explore this visualization on Tableau Public

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